: The main criticism of the Bill, he pointed out,
had been directed against four points : the method deter- mining the standard tonnage, the quota, the fixing of prices, and the levy to assist the export trade. Nothing had been suggested-which could take their place. "These proposals have been approved by some of the best brains among the coalowners [in the Five Counties' scheme]." Amalgamation, he held, was essential, but it must be true, fruitful amalgamation, not the juggling of financiers who belong to the !` Get-rich-quick Brigade." He asked the House not to be misled by alarming statistics of the effect of the proposed reduction in hours. He expected that there. Would be some increase at first in the cost of prOduetion, but that would soon be remedied by the improved organization. "Your right to reject the Bill is beyond dispute, but your wisdom will probably persuade you not to do so on *Second reading, nor in Committee without submitting alternative -suggestions."