Non-german Reparations The Agreements For Non-german...
Paris on Tuesday evening. They are based on the settlement in principle made at the Hague, and relate chiefly to the debts of Hungary to her Central and Eastern European......
Mr. Patel, The President Of The Legislative Assembly, Has...
In a rather patronizing letter to the Viceroy he said, "My people are engaged in a life-and- death struggle for freedom. At such a juncture my proper place is with my......
Last Sunday The Viceroy Promulgated An Important...
better control of the Press. He has in effect revived the Press Act of 1910 with additions. He was careful to explain that there was no wish either to suppress news or to stifle......
Lord Londonderry - Agreed With Lord Sankey That Rejection...
chaos, but he thought that statutory reorganization- might defeat a better kind of reorganiza- tion. - Lord Melchett confirmed this criticism, and declared that if the Bill were......
Meanwhile There Are Welcome Signs That Both The Moslems And
the Hindu Liberals are rallying to the idea of. finding a solntion in the Round Table Conference. They are convinced that Mr. Gandhi's campaign leads to no solution at all. The......
The Croat Trial The Trial Of Twenty-four Croats, Arising Out
of an attempt to bomb a train containing State officials, is causing great excitement in Jugoslavia. Since one of- the accused is Dr. Matchek, the leader of the Croat Peasant......
The Egyptian Treaty On Monday When The Anglo-egyptian...
to have been resumed the Egyptian delegation asked for a postponement as an expected courier from Egypt had not arrived. It is hoped to resume the dis- cussion next Monday but......
Herr Schober's Diplomacy The Austrian Chancellor Is...
of visits to the capitals of Europe. On his way to London he is in Paris, where he is said to have felt his way - to- wards a French loan. The possibility of founding a money......
The Situation In India The Disturbances At Peshawar Were...
the most serious that have occurred in India. The police would have been helpless :unless troops had come to their rescue.. The Times .correspondent says that the troops behaved......