"the Russian Crucifixion " [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
SIR,—Mr. Hamilton Fyfe in his review of my book, The Russian. Crucifixion, dubs it "sensational catchpenny."- The obvious meaning of this is that I have written my book falsely......
Ruskin's Advice To Chesterfield
- • - A SCANDALOUS HOAX.- To T'HE Enrros OF THE ." GLOBE. " - Sui,—The letter you quote in your last night's -issue as having been sent by _me to the secretary of the Art School......
Stag Hunting
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR] Sia,—Major Darling says in the Spectator that I have "come into the open" on the question of stag hunting. I have never been anywhere else. He......
The International Defence Of Animals [to The Editor Of The
SPECTATOR.] SIR, — Readers of the Spectator may be interested to hear of the visit Miss Lind-af-Hageby and I have lately paid on behalf of the animals to Rome, Munich and......
Your Reviewer Is Quoted As Referring-, To...
Misery of Victory as " this .book of his nonage' (sic). Do I understand • some subtle reference to a second childhood ?—ZAtinrru, Sciinerville College; Oxford. . • • HEREDITY.......