It Is Impossible To Read Such Words Without Regret For
what might have been if Lord Sankey's spirit had controlled from the beginning the delicate and deeply interesting experiment of conducting the affairs of the country under a......
Lord Londonderry - Agreed With Lord Sankey That Rejection...
chaos, but he thought that statutory reorganization- might defeat a better kind of reorganiza- tion. - Lord Melchett confirmed this criticism, and declared that if the Bill were......
: The Main Criticism Of The Bill, He Pointed Out,
had been directed against four points : the method deter- mining the standard tonnage, the quota, the fixing of prices, and the levy to assist the export trade. Nothing had been......
Lord Sankey Presented His Ease For The Coal Bill On
the assumption. that production was not likely „ to expand. - _ This ,being so, it was idle, in his opinion, to have a cut-throat competition either national or inter- national,......
News Of The Week The Coal Bill In The House
of Lords PARLIAMENT re_Pqsembled on Tuesday and the debate in the House of Lords was remarkable for . a moving speech by the Lord Chancellor, Lord Sankey. Conditions have......
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Subscription to the SPECTATOR costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The SPECTATOR is registered as a Newspaper. . The Postage on this......