3 MAY 1930, Page 20

Your reviewer is quoted as referring-, to -Cleirienceau's. Grandeur and

Misery of Victory as "this .book of his nonage' (sic). Do I understand • some subtle reference to a second

childhood ?—ZAtinrru, Sciinerville College; Oxford. . • • HEREDITY.

I- have discovered recently a fact which, to me at any rate, is novel, namely, that handwriting is hereditary. Among many instances I know a family of sons and daughters whose. handwriting is singularly Similar. The mother used to writo almost identically the same. I also know a brother and sister whose writing is quite indistinguishable. t am quite well aware that what may be called a "board-school handwriting" is all our model, but the people to whom I am alluding belong to quite a different class.-4. P. BACON Pinuars, Burgess Hill, Sussex.


Your reviewer's slip on p. 678 (of Norton v. Norton for Norton v. Melbourne) Would be trivial were it not that it spoils a very witty mot made during that trial: Someone said, what, in a certain contingency, would have been the • answer to the question, "What is your name ? "- "Nor M?" —H. C• [Our reviewer much-regrets his slip of the pen. ”.H. c. of course, quite right.—Ed. Spectator.] .


The following is an advertisement which we are asking you to insert in this week's Spectator (quarter page) : [The advertisement appeared in our issue of April 26th, p. We should be obliged if your readers . would help to make this advertisement known.—E. G. FAinnerani... (Captain), Chief Secretary, Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 105 Jermyn Street, London, S.W.1.

!` SOWER," :

In the Spectator of April 5th (which I get a week old), " souper " and boycott are mentioned. My grandfather's and our family name on my mother's side is Soper. My grandfather was Phillip Dothin Souper and was in the Civil Service, and spent most of his time in the 'West Indies. I've never heard, of anything like "to boycott" *plied to sotip-clistributiont I thought this might be of interest.—Miss GERALDINE DE Co

O'GRADY, Barton; WokingbanvBerks. . -