SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Readers of the Spectator may be interested to hear of the visit Miss Lind-af-Hageby and I have lately paid on behalf of the animals to Rome, Munich and Berlin.
We went to Rome at the invitation of the Rome Society for the Protection of Animals, conveyed to us through Senator Count Gallagna., who is the President of that society, to speak at a meeting on March 29th. Madame Montessori, whose fame is known throughout the educational world, supported us on the platform in our plea for humane education for children. We met many people who are keenly interested, in the better treatment of animals. Later, II Duce, Signor Mussolini was kind enough to receive us in private audience, and he expressed much sympathy with the cause of animal protection. We spent some days in Rome, during which time we met and discussed the question of practical ways of helping the animals with notable and enthusiastic workers for the cause in Italy. Signor Gallagna, in graciou'sly thanking us for coming to Rome, said that he felt that a strong impetus had been given to the movement there.
From Rome we proceeded to Munich and Berlin, where we addressed important meetings. In Munich Professor Max Muller, a keen investigator into humane methods of slaughter, conducted us to the abattoir, where we witnessed the electric method of stunning. It is interesting to note that- over the door of each stunning-hall there is a notice that no cruelty will be permitted towards the animals. I fear as yet such a notice does not exist in this country, .
Through the Animal Defence Society's International Bureau, with its extensive Humane Exhibition to demonstrate practical animal protection, at 4 Cour St. Pierre, Geneva, it is becoming more and more possible to keep in close touch with workers on the Continent and in America, and thus help to foster the world movement for the better treatment of animals. Subscriptions towards maintaining permanent Humane Exhibitions in London and Geneva will be gladly received at the Animal Defence Society's offices at 35 Old Bond Street, London.—I am, Sir, &c., . _