Meanwhile there are welcome signs that both the Moslems and
the Hindu Liberals are rallying to the idea of. finding a solntion in the Round Table Conference. They are convinced that Mr. Gandhi's campaign leads to no solution at all. The Ali brothers telegraphed to the Khilafat Committee at Peshawar that they were greatly shocked.- and - pained" by the disturbances; and expressed their hope that the Mussulmans would take no part in Mr. Gandhi's "inopportune and ill- advised movement." Last week the Times published a letter from Sir Albion Banerji disputing a statement by the- special correspondent of the Times that the Indian moderates had shown a want of -courage. Since then the same correspondent has felt justified in gener- ously praising the courage of the Western India National Liberal Association in publishing a manifesto against civil disobedience. The Liberals at a moment of great passion and danger have, in fact, reaffirmed the policy of their Madras Conference- last December.
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