• As an example of the intense -interest 'intellectual and
sociological developments of .the -day among young Indians we draw our "reader? attention to two student publications; The Young Men -of Burma and Ceylon, published • monthly • in Calcutta, price 8 anuai •(5 rupees per annuth), by the -National 'Council "of the Yi5:Ung Men's Christian 'Association, and The New Indus, the organ of the Indian Students' Union .and Hostel in Gower Street, also a montbly,, price 3d. In spite '"Ctf tilightly.' toif miasionark flai,cluK the fitlit' of these two • niagazmes contains some very interesting material, notably Sir Daniel Hamilton's address to the 'Behar and Orissa Provincial Co-operative Conference, • a thoughtful review of Mr. C. F. Andrews' book on Gandhi, and -an address by Tagore on the "duties of a libittriati. The article " Is Civilization a Fraud ? " should be read in conjunction with Professor Radhakrishrian's remarks on "Students and The Future of India," taken from his address (it the Tenth Annual Meeting of the' Indian Students' Unieti." hi The New Indus, Mr. B. D. Adarkar, Cambridge,. liatt an excellent study of'" Some Aspects of Public Financed" - There is also a mildly controversial review of Dr. Bevan's recent "Thoughts
on Indian Discontents." . - * * *