The place of honour in the Dublin Review (Burns Oates
and Washboume, 3s. 6c1.) is given to a somewhat ponderous article by Sir James Merchant on recent converts to the Roman Catholic Church. Mr. Alfred Noyes in "The Un- guarded Statement" continues his vivacious onslaught upon the Bishop of Birmirigliath and his friends He has a mar- vellous gift for collecting "awful examples." -We should much like the name and address of the Bishop from whose letter to a protesting clergyman he culls the remarkable sentence : "You ought to know you are not clever enough to talk like you do about clever men like Dr. Barnes who are your superiors." The other articles are less Controversial. 'Among the most interesting are the Comtesse de Courson's sympathetic study of the last Abbess of Montmartre, mar- tyred under the Terror, and Mr. Evennett's admirably judicial paper, "A Historian Looks at Malines." Miss Elizabeth Belloc has another of her charming sketches of wayfaring in 'Switzerland. Altogether, a good number and excellent value at the " Dublin's" new price of 3s. Od:
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