3 NOVEMBER 1939, Page 18


SIR,—In an article published in your last issue reference is made to " the evacuation of the University of London and its constituent colleges." The erroneous impression which this phrase might convey has been partly corrected in the same number by Mr. John Maud, who describes the efforts of Birkbeck College to provide for the needs of arts and science students still resident in London.

May I supplement Mr. Maud's letter by pointing out that the Imperial College, one of the largest schools of the Univer- sity in the faculties of science and engineering, is also, except for one or two special departments, at work in London? Within the last fortnight some 50o second- and third-year students and post-graduate workers have resumed their studies in the laboratories of the College at South Kensington, and the term is in full swing.—Yours faithfully, H. T. TIZARD.

Imperial College of Science and Technology,

South Kensington, S.W. 7.