3 NOVEMBER 1939, page 3

Schools In Vulnerable Areas

It has become imperative that something should be done quickly about the children who remained or have returned to the evacuation areas, and are now without any kind of......

The Empire In Conference

The arrival of representatives of the Dominions and of India to confer with the War Cabinet marks an important stage in the co-operation of the whole Empire in the war. Each of......

The Demands On Finland

The references to Finland in M. Molotov's speech on Tuesday have aroused grave anxiety in Sweden no less than in Finland itself. M. Molotov chose the very moment when the......

Rationing Of Food

Mr. W. S. Morrison announced in the House of Commons last Wednesday that no rationing of food will be applied immediately, but that butter and bacon will be rationed in the......

The Problem Of Lost Rates

The problem of rates in London and other towns where many holders of business premises and houses have re- moved their furniture and gone away, is presenting serious......

D.o.r.a. Under Criticism

Some of the Defence of the Realm Regulations issued by the Government on September 5th came in for severe criticism from all quarters of the House of Commons last Tuesday. There......