3 NOVEMBER 1939, page 18

The Spectator Competitions No. 8

PRIZES of book tokens for £2 2s. and Li is. are offered for the best general knowledge papers of twelve short ques- tions. The questions should be accompanied by a list of......

London University

SIR,—In an article published in your last issue reference is made to " the evacuation of the University of London and its constituent colleges." The erroneous impression which......

Rabbits As Food

SIR, —On page 571 of your last week's number you rightly call attention to the gross neglect (by successive Governments) of the rabbit plague, which is responsible for the......

The Missing Link

SIR,—Mr. Harold Nicolson, in his criticism of the British Council for Christian Settlement in Europe, has confused the Council membership with the list of the names of those who......

The Cost Of A Soldier

SIR,—In your Notes of the Week on the " Cost of a Soldier " you say " it is impossible to justify the meagre allowance of Is. a day for a fourth child—a sum which was contrasted......

The War Surveyed

SIR,—May a mere civilian, a man in the street, be allowed to demur to the tone of the closing parts in " Strategicus' " " The War Surveyed " in last week's Spectator? Is it not......

Science Marches On "

SIR,—Mr. Walter Shepherd's letter requires some reply. A search of the work of Pliny and Dioscorides did not reveal to me any passage which might lead to the inference that......