3 NOVEMBER 1939, Page 18


PRIZES of book tokens for £2 2s. and Li is. are offered for the best general knowledge papers of twelve short ques-

tions. The questions should be accompanied by a list of answers.

The report on Competition No. 6 is printed on page iii.

RULES.—Envelopes should be addressed to the Editor, The Spectator, 99 Gower Street, London, W.C. r, and marked " Competition No. 8." Entries must be delivered by first post on Friday, November loth. The Editor reserves the right to print, in part or in whole, any entry submitted, and to withhold the prize should no entry attain the requisite standard of merit. Competitors are permitted to submit more than one entry, but no competitor is eligible for more than one prize in any given week. Envelopes should bear a stamp. No entries can be returned. No com- munications to the Editor on any subject unconnected with the competitior. should be sent in the same envelope as an entry. A breach of any of these regulations will cause the entry to be disqualified