3 NOVEMBER 1939, page 2

Negotiations With Japan ?

Since Mr. Grew's outspoken and well-timed speech at Tokyo the Japanese Government seems to have become increasingly desirous to settle its differences, not only with America but......

Italian Cabinet Changes

Some of the changes which have been made in the per- sonnel of the Italian Cabinet are probably designed to strengthen Signor Mussolini's hold on all departments of the......

News Of The Week

T UESDAY speeches seem slow in producing the desired results. Herr von Ribbentrop's oration at Danzig on Tuesday week was to have ended the period of quiescence. " Now,"......

Munitions From America

The progress of the Neutrality Bill in the United States is very satisfactory. Rumours that the Senate was to embark on one of its interminable filibusters proved false, and the......

The Indian Deadlock

The Viceroy of India's conferences on Wednesday with Mr. Gandhi, Mr. Rajendra Prasad, the President of the Indian National Congress, and Mr. Jinnah, the Moslem leader, following......