Private motor-cars appear to be losing some of the absurd
and meaningless priority labels which they were so freely flaunting. But the plague of initials grows more acute. The correspondent of The Times who has drawn attention to Hampstead's addiction to this vice is rendering a useful service. Hampstead is taking A.R.P. portentously. Steel helmets are to distinguish clearly the different ranks, by initials ranging from C.W., by way of D.C.W., A.C.W., D.W., P.W., D.P.W., and S.W., to the mere negligible W. The older services are taken as model ; " if some posts wish to adopt forms of ceremonial etiquette, such as saluting, &c., there could be no objection, and, in fact, in some cases this has already become a practice." Personally, I like all this. We want something to divert us in these sombre days.