The news front Spain is not sett issestery. •-.ent of Eseanreno
to the head of oinks hes been matte too Lit a I a (111111i ze the successful insurgsmts. They refits:, to lay d
arms until they have obtained o Movie-so from the Quese
gtterameeing the fulfilment oe all their deo:ands. The . ltplaui tiled Eseauatoto President of the S'outteil of Min:se a'es not assien I un any :Ministerial duties ; ia order, as the decree states, that he may more fully continue the commend of the arm The Soldier- 'linister was en his route to t 1.1kirid, consutsi the Junta respeet the form:Ilion of his Cabinet. Neeeit t er towns in Spain have now their separate Juntas: and!Or:1S pro-
by them to send delegates to Madrid. The rectal thange in affairs would, it was supposed, prevent this. Every thing depends upon the arrangetnent to be effected by ESPARTERO with the Madrid Junta. If an arrangement satisfactory to the insur- gents can be made without dividing the Regency, the regular government of the country may be restored ; but it is very ques- tionable whether the Queen Regent would submit to a divided reign.