Backing Out Of An Untenable Argument. People Floundering...
mud proverbially get deeper into it with every struggle. A writer in the Morning. Chronicle of Monday last curiously exemplifies this fitct. After lauding the Scotstnou for......
Showing How The Shape Of A House May Be A
MATTER OF SOME CONSEQUENCE. Cu:al-Aix curious inquirers have traced the moral obliquities of dist ingiiished malethetors—such as IIICILARD the Third and others-- to the......
The Reel Of Tulloamortum.
DR. CHALMERS not long ago surprised the grave decency of his clerical brethren by an allusion to "the reel of Bogie:" a part of the proceedings at a dinner given to the Marquis......
'i'll Correct) Amenable To Blame, Are, First, When They...
to vicious IT Will it ti1110 ellOngll to conwnent en the respective merits or de- and depraved tastes ; second, lo ii tlwy violate that sincerity, that DlOritS cii 1,C1ril CAn......