The Affairs Of The East Continue Nearly As Much In
doubt as they were last week. Ne g otiations have recommenced; the Pasha havin g in some de g ree relaxed his fiery bearin g . The last accounts represent Admiral STOPFORD ta......
News Of The Week.
Tau opposition to the rotation-principle in the choice of an occu- pant of the civic chair in London, has proceeded vi g orously. The protesting Liverymen have bestirred......
Three Cabinet Councils Have Been Held This Week ; One
of which lasted upwards of three hours. The occasion of this lon g deliberation, En g lish Ministerial journals, without any appearance of intendin g a joke, ascribed to the......
The Repeal A G Itation Has Experienced 0 Lull %vhilst...
at Dorrynane Abbey with his bea g les. The Irislt Government has taken the opportunity of his absence to show its teeth. The first hostilities commenced by sendin g an arneel......
The Trial Of Lids Napoleon Has For The Time Diverted
the atten- tion of' the Parisimis from war and fortifications. The Prince's address to the Court of Peers was rather an appeal to their passion for netional g lory than a......
The Parliamentary Re G Istrations Proceed Noiselessly In...
g enerally continue to take no interest in the proceedin g s, exceptin g here and there, where the parties in a borou g h are nicely balanced, and a vote or two more or fewer......
The News Front Spain Is Not Sett Issestery. •-.ent Of...
to the head of oinks hes been matte too Lit a I a (111111i ze the successful insur gs mts. They refits: , to lay d arms until they have obtained o Movie-so from the Quese g......