3 OCTOBER 1840, page 17

The Olympic, Under Mr. Beeetees Netnegement, Opens...

pieces amid SOMC new Performers ztul ti o Adelphi, though the stucco of its stately new front is searev■y dv, in 3Ionday. Mrs. lieges, after a long and painful illness, returns......

A Nteasant Anti Attractive Musical Afterpiece, Called The...

has been this week produced at Covent Cardcn, in a it of splendour calculated to insure, by the hrillimiey of the spelt he alone, the success Of it less clever and amusing......

Mr. Maywood, An Experienced Actor Last From America, But Who

twenty years ago played layo to Keee's Othello at Drury Lane, made a successful d(ibilt at this theatre on Tuesday, as Sir Perlin= Maesyco- phant, in Meeitigx's caustic comedy......

Birmingham Festival-011 S.iturday 1asl The Day After The...

tit' die Festival, the Coninduee held a meeting.. at which thanks Were voted to the verious perties whose services eseurilened to its sue- eessful resole From a report of the......

Tiie Tii Eat P.es. Undett The Title Of Master Clarke,

the name assumed by Richard Cromwell to cover his retreat into the obscurity that suited alike his capacity and inclination, Mr. SE111.1.: 11:IS dramatized the events of that......

The Princess's Theatre Opened Its Too Narrow Portal In...

Street on Wednesday, after some delay, occasioned by the incompleteness of the preparations within ' which was the less excusable since there was no occasion for haste. Any......