Mr. MAYWOOD, an experienced actor last from America, but who
twenty years ago played layo to Keee's Othello at Drury Lane, made a successful d(ibilt at this theatre on Tuesday, as Sir Perlin= Maesyco- phant, in Meeitigx's caustic comedy The Manqf Ow World. Mr. MAY- woon's practised acquaintance with the stage, his intelligpst reading of the part, and the freedom and ease with which l he delivered the dialogue, entitle him to a front place in the ranks of English comedians ; but we Cannot join in the commendations bestowed by the daily press on his personation of Sir Pertina.r. He has not physical power of voice to give effect to the explosion of rage with which the disappointed schemer overt% helms his son on hearing of his marriage with a portionless girl: the fury that should have burst forth, like a torrent of lava, was wasted in the spluttering rant of a driveller. Neither does Mr. MevwooD possess sufficient force and refinement, nor exercise that perfect control over the manifestations of character and purpose in look and manner, requisite to embody "time Man of the World": the combination of oily smoothness and subtlety of address, with a bard, crushing, vice-like gripe, which is essential to characterize this concentrated imper- sonation of Scotch shrewdness, cunning, and pertinacity, requires mastery of skill and power to embody in action. Sir Pertinax is a sublimation of worldlyoninded baseness and duplicity, carrying into operation with unscrupulous boldness the fixed principle of minis- tering. strong doses of flattery and obsequiousness to the self-love of Ids dupes, as the snake covers his eictim with slaver before gorging his prey. lie is a keen and bitter satirist too, having an utter con- tempt fbr human nature : at every breath Ile utters a biting sar- casm. This weapon, in the hands of 3IACKLIN, must have been a scithe sweeping down all before it ; Coolse dealt trenchant blows furiously as with a tomahawk ; Timm- wielded a keen cutlass ; YOUNG, a polished rapier ; and, since we must complete the simile, Mr. MAY- WOOD flourishes a theatrical blade of iron-hoop. The effect of COOKE'S passion when Sir Pertinax is incensed against his son is described as terrific, leasing an ineffaceable impression : Mr. Mei. wool) threw his arms about, and foamed with anger, but his words fell on the ear like empty raving ; in a word, his wrath was impotent. Ile represented the gross and shameless trafficker bent on business, well enough, and chuckled over his success with a coarse gusto; but not the habitual /muff : though lie bent low enough when he did "boo," the perpetual deferential stoop of the eel-back dissimulator—the crawling, gliding approach- of the reptile before striking with its fitngs—was not manifest. Mrs. Smtmeu's Lady Rodolpha was so buoyant with grace and gayety, that one only wished she had spoken good English, instead of attempting the Scotch at:cent,
That utter neglect of propriety in costume, which is now become re- prele nsiWe, would eeem to imoly that the manager had no confidence in the SUCCVSS of this revival.