BIRMINGHAM FESTIVAL-011 S.ItUrday 1ASL the day after the conefu- sion
tit' die Festival, the Coninduee held a meeting.. at which thanks Were voted to the verious perties whose services eseurilened to its sue- eessful resole From a report of the receipts for tickets' at the various poefirmances of this Fest it al, as eempare,1 ii ith the corresponding re- ceipts of' the Festiv:il of Ise% it appeared that the toed amount of those receipts in isses was 9.4e3/. 17s. at tilt' in I See they amounted to 64. We tin de rstAnd that the expenses of this last Vet:6 val have been redueed below the ant omit of the preeteling ; so that the net produce, available for the eenctit 01' the tfenerel Ilespiuml. will be larger than in I ee37. It is wor:Ity of beilg voted, that in 1$37 the receipts at the performenee tit' the abssialt were .2.1731. Itme : while in the present yeir Ow) lee en eeieee ; a Linen' that this immortal work, note ith- stendiug the freetteney of its performenee, is increasing in am:it:dem- i/ore/no Chronicle, tkt. 3.