The Olympic, under Mr. Beeetees netnegement, opens to-night, with new
pieces amid SOMC new Performers ztul ti o Adelphi, though the stucco of its stately new front is searev■y dv, in 3Ionday. Mrs. lieges, after a long and painful illness, returns to the stage of which she has long been the pride and the prince of grotesque pantomitnists, \Via:LAND, has been added to the eompany. 'file new drain :1 by BERNARD is inteeded to represent the hideous atrocities of the French Revolution ; and as YATES Wiii pen:On:1W Robespierre, the lovers of the shocking Will sup full of horrors " to their hearts' content.
Drury Lane also opens ou Monday, with Concerts ; Mr. Eieesox not having succeeded in bringing the English vocalists to his terms, and the German company not arrivins till Ater Christ lilac. The EIlgliSh Opera resumed its fevourite orehotra this week also : so that there are three st•ts of Prk menade Concerts, proelaiming the public rage for music and the dear Ii of histritmie talent.