An express received this morning from Brussels announces the unexpected abdication of the King of Holland. A correspondent of the Vero/tick writes—" I hasten to communicate to you the most im- portant news just received by the Amsterdam papers of Wednesday afternoon, that his Majesty, before setting out the day before from the Hague, for the Castle of Loo, announced to his Ministers his intention of alaliezeing. In a few days a proclamation will be issued, by which his Majesty will inform his subjects of his resolution. I am enabled to assure yott, from private letters I have received this moment from Holland, that this news has an official character."
The Dutch papers confirm the intelligence. The Mindelsbh«1 states that the Prince and Princess of Orange are summoned to meet the King at Loo on Menday next. It is supposed that the cause of the Dutch King's resignativn is love ; his object being to marry the lady of his court, to whom the pt.:oak were so much opposed when the marriage was talleed of about a year since. All the Stocks at Amsterdam had declined in consequeese of the news.