The French papers publish a transcript, taken from the Belgian
journals. (.t. a note addressed on the 31st of August last to Mr. H. L. Bulwer, Britannic Minister Plenipotentiary at Paris in the absence of Lord G seas ilk. The object of this note, (which is exceedingly long, and dc'ai:s the various negotiations that have taken place in the affairs of the Esse) is to prove that it was France that voluntarily separated from the Four Powers, and not the Four Powers from France. The French thsvernment is charged a ith having for many months past pressed :lw Sultan to negotiate directly with Mehemet Ali without the concurrence of the Four Powers, in violation of a fbrmer agreement to which Freuce was a party.
The 3/a/t;terte of Thursday announces, that by a Royal ordinance of the 21st of September, an addi Intel credit has been (spelled for the Minister of War of 31,674,000 francs, to provide for the urgent expenses resulting from the increase of the effective and materiel of the army. The sanction of the French Chambers for this extraordinary credit will be applied for in the approaching session.
On Thursday, the Court of Peers met at the usual hour, to proceed with the trial of Prince Louis Napoleon and his associates. The whole of the day was occupied by the speeches of the counsel for the defence. M. F. Barn a, who defended four of the prisoners, spoke for upwards of an hour ; and was followed by two other advocates, 31. Delacour and 31. Branton.