The West India mail brings us papers of which the
latest date is from Jamaica, to the 13th of August. There is nothing in their contents of very marked importance. The 1st of August appears to have passed off quietly throughout the whole of the Colonies from which we have heard up to that date.
A meeting of' Israelites had been held in Kingston for the purpose of furnishing assistance to Sir Moses Montefiore in his endeavour to aid the persecuted Jews of Damascus; and a subscription was opened.
Several mines of capital bituminous coal have been discovered at Ilavannah, fully equal to the best English. This is good news fbr the West India and South American steam-ships from England, that are projected to touch outward and homeward at the Great West India port.
We have received a file of papers from Adelaide, South Australia, which, although they do not (NALL' tr.,wn to so late a date as the last in- telligence that was received from the colony, fill up a gap in our news, and supply sonic ititeresting information.