3 OCTOBER 1840, Page 18


Ple-riort, The Budget of the Bubble Enmity. By Lady Lytton Bitlwer, Author of " Chew-

ley." In 3 veils Bull. Tam'Ei,s,

Texas in IS-10, or the Emigrant's to the New Republic; being the Result of,

Obseriationi bigotry, and 'r el in that beautiful country. By an Emigrant. late attic United States, With an lotroduction, hy the Rev. A. 13. Laurence, of New Ortean, 11.11,71 and Ntnam ; Allen, New York, U.S. ()Bray, holier; Records of the Poor; Lays from the Prophets; and other Poems. By Thomas Hogg, Author of he " The Deity,- &c. &c. &c. Longman and Cu.; Rugg. Birmingham.