On Monday, Alderman Gibbs and Mr. Farneomb were sworn in
as Sheriffs, and Mr. James and Mr. Stone as tinder-Sheriffs, of London and Middlesex.
On Wednesday, the Sheriffs of London for the ensuing year attended in the Court of Exchequer, to receive her Majesty's approval of the choke of the Livery. Shortly after two o'clock, the civic procession arrived at Westminster Bridge ; when the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, Re- corder, and other officers of the Corporation, walked to the Court of Exchequer. The usual ceremony of chopping sticks and counting horse-shoes and hob-nails, by virtue of which the Corporation of Lon- don hold certain property, was then performed by Mr. Alderman Humphery, the senior Alderman present who has not passed the chair. The officer of the Court declared that the services rendered by. the Corporation were good services. The Recorder, in the name of the Sheriffs, invited the Cursitor Baron to the inauguration dinner, at Tal- lowehandlers Hall ; which his Lordship accepted; and the members of the Corporation then withdrew. The Lord Mayor gave a splendid entertainment at the 3Iansionhouse, oa Tuesday, to between fifty and sixty- guests.