An inquest on the body of James Perrey, who died
last week in the London Hospital, from injuries received by the recent collision on the Eastern Counties Runway, was brought to a close on Wednesday, after having been adjourned. On Monday the 14th September, Messrs. Ste venson, Biddle, and Braithwaite, started from the Mile End terming, in a single carriage, for the purpose of examining the junction teat Stratford, between the Eastern Counties and the Northern and Eastera Counties Railways. Both railways have the same line as far as the junction just mentioned. A regular Eastern Counties train had started from the Mile End station about five or six minutes before the special train conveying the engineers; and, the former train had to stop at a new station, opened for the first time that day, near Old Ford Bridge. Whilst so stopping, it was overtaken and overrun by the Northern and Eastern Counties special train , the engine of which stove in the last carriage (in which deceased was sitting) of the Eastern Counties train, and thus caused the injury from the effects of which he died. What the Jury wanted to know particularly was, whether the engineer of the special train knew that the regular train was to stop at the new station opened at Old Ford Bridge. To ascertain this fact, the inquest was adjourned from Thursday last week till Wednesday, to obtain the evi. dunce of Mr. Elsham, who was on the Continent. It was his business to give instructions to the engine-drivers; but he had not done so in this instance, as the special train was to be under the orders of the en. gineers who were going to survey the line. Mr. Braithwaite, engine.
manufacturer, attributed the accident to the engine-driver not having kept a proper look-out. Mr. Duncan said, an experiment had been
made that day, where the accident occurred, when it was found that the engine could be stopped in the space of sixty-five yards, wla n the rails were dry. The Jury, after deliberating twenty minutes, returned a verdict of " Accidental Death; " at the same time requesting the Coroner to " reprimand" Mu,-re, the eneine-driver.