3 OCTOBER 1840, Page 4

Lord Cardigan was finally eaaalin•••1 1--fore the Magistrates at

NS andswarta a . . 1 ::.'lay,,,i.'... ,•!'..--,*l .,,ting at Captain Tilekett ; :ma Captain liVaii..... right, Captain T a i',1 in Court as pi buy The Af!:::.. ' • i to the Ironer ()Mee for instruetiaa, ' ":, ii, • . ..: .. :.:, ..%i':,., '•-•r cltarged with a r2lony : and they- le. ! aa d lii.g. 1,'.r.1 I 'ar'..imi cauld riot be committed to take la , • , I "eatral I a-le,ihal : ',art; butt that if' an imIktmele were pr,:le..- " l - relng '. 11.,.11 110: CuillEt of Queen's Iletiell to the Ike .• •a: 1,- . Lard ( : ::- ::a.::, - g; required to find two mire. ties of' 1,a,.•,/. caea. :.:. , e,,,er l•.!,) Li . ,,.....n reeognizances for 2,:,01)/ that he woeld. au- • • .- :. a :•,:aa• • . -aege: " when arid %s-here " he /niglu! to: cal!nd ny.o. 'I ..........'1 - ' ' ,i1' • - n.•': r. •1••ir •-1 , f tho other two Sorters wai ou..-fo-Irth ,,'. .,,,.Hed f:.' .., 1..,rd Cardigan.

Many 1,.tt,';',-, !,-.',•,. ' • '1 in the •I .1 ly jriiinrs rnsiweling Ilin dwil lAtwerm 1,,,r; ( - cal,tain Tite'..,-11. It hi coritemb.d by swan. that the alsea ." r .•• . thnir dory in :. 'witting I.ordCarilig;,,, I,. bail. Tla• ,,,,cstaa.:-. , a • ■ :a• gar:lite of the al aas is deeidell by it letter in the Afragoey (./.,-,,,,,,a; ),•gerefay, ta,,, me. Heal, giennalser. 'Ile piatals of 1,or,1 Carliger, alal Cepuin Tuel:(it Were b:11.111Ittl;r1 ttl hill; fbr iroti,f,cti:44 ; and the folleveieg ie the IV:IIIAR- and Car,taie aara • • • • " One of the pistols (Lord Cardigan's) was made by Messrs. John Mang, and Son, No. 10,913, and had what is called a 'French,' or 'fine scratch ' barrel, a &tented, or what is more commonly, known as a hair-trigger, ateg bolted lock ; and the other pistol (Captain Tuckett's) was made by Mr. Slam Nock, No. 7,042, and had a smooth inside, not rifled, and without heir-Mpg; or bolt-lock; it was of the usual duelling kind, and of the best menufacteee`g The United Service Gazelle says that Lord Cardigan has brought the conduct of another officer in his regiment, Lieutenant W. C. Forrest, under the notice of the Horse Guards, for a breach of discipline; 3a. Forrest having declined to give up a key of his apartments during his temporary absence from quarters, on the ground that he had no owe. tunity of' removing his property, and that no standing regulation had been infringed. Mr. Forrest received a severe reprimand.