The Parliamentary revieion of voters for the City of London
was completed on Wednesday. On that day, Mr. 3Iylne gave his decision in the case of solicitors claiming to be registered for their offices. In consequence of Mr. Craig having decided at a previous revision, and with the concurrence of Mr. 3Iylne, that solicitors have no right to be registered for their offices, their qualification in other respects being good, the question was this year again brought forward. Mr. Mylne reversed the doctrine he had tgage held ; stating, at the same time, that his late colleague, Mr. Craie, was firm in his old opinion, and that he would, in all probability, revise the City lists next year, and allow similar objections to those which Mr. Mylne now overruled. Some names had been omitted from the lists in consequence of their poor- rates not having been duly paid. It appeared in some instances that iio personal or written demand had been nude ; and the parties having claimed, their claims were allowed. With respect to the payment of assessed taxes, Mr. Mylne held that, although the assessed taxes due upon the premises for the occupation of which a party claimed to be registered were not paid, such non-payment (lid not affect the right to be registered, unless the party claiming was by name assessed.
The following is the result of the whole revision as it affects the Con- servatives aud Liberals.
Claims Objections -
Allowed. Disallnwed. Sustained. Foiled. Conservative 8 3 120 34
Radical 5 3 2 1 gne OVERSEERS' Leers.
Ctai vs t!I,,ved. Disallowed. Conservativ 65 17 Radical •93 21 Politics unknown 18 8 Objections Su.taiiml. Foiled.
Conservative 243 125
Radical 90 29 In addition to the forcgoin.,:, one persm objected to his own name being re- tained; and it was expueged.
The registration for the county of Middlesex commenced on Tues- day, at White Conduit House, before Messrs. Coventry and Shadwell. Messrs. Coppock, Holmes, and James, appeared to support the Libe- rals; and Messrs. Adey, Turner, and Page, the Tories. It appears from this array of agents, that a stout battle is intended to be fought in the Registration Courts for the county. There has been a good deal of squabbling among the agents, but nothing of interest has yet occurred.
The registration for East Surry continues. An illustration of the working of the Reform Act occurred on Monday, when the Revising Barrister sat at Wandsworth. In the Mortlake list, Mr. Corner, on behalf of the Liberale, objected in the outset to the objection; (twelve in number) bei:g, ;.v.r:e into. The Overseers, or their officer, had only put the word '• al je• te a" and not the words " ()Ejected to," a., required la,' the Reform .et. ..`•Ir. Bullock said, that though the objec- tion might appear trifling, and was F•trictly speaking of a technic:a nature, he had been en ''1 upon to eoesider it when revising the ligs f f East Kent, in a case whieh invalv•-d no fewer than forty-four objee- Bone. [pen consideratian he had come to the conclusion that the omission of the went "to " was fatal ; and he saw ne grounds to depart from his former deeision. On these groundi the objections must fail.