The National Repeal Astia-detion held their weekly meeting in Dub-
lin on :Monday, as usual. Mr. John O'Connell was unable to attend, owing to the illness of his lady. The announcement of upwards of 26/. front this Repealer, of Liverpool was received with enthusiasm. AtrisY 'hem us as John Lettariat the pugilist, who subscribed 5/. ; and of s Lsi Mr. Hi:ye-Ails remarked, that he was a splendid example for the It, pealers, as lie had already,/ssedit /4i's Way to independence.
A short letter as read from Ale. O'Connell to Mr. Ray, Secretary to
the Pei ; le which he ,cays- a... . . tesea of tL presence of the Police at Tallaght meetirig. 1, fir tiff.y attfrid all the llepcid meetings. They are now ri Fee of tei, p ant it -*ems to me rat desirable that we should I. • ,• iv t iu th ir 1,:-!,•n•!..,•., wherever there is a large concouro: p, WI, it ivi-!! iiiist abhor is an:: violence or breach r,f the p.•-. •••. I soul to such of our i'liends as think that the r.. .'t' ',ire ID IL lacing at our ineering,:, ii
of ii Sr - Irhatol alas plenty of ee • 4]..._••, caul o- s language or
• r' If. won! I 11;.1 •i• circutotances lo.nd, that p k, if,f a•id then proceed 5.." a stopping the It the peace or
• , unless, cntr L.: tarnished by letter-4 rriw, with
• ,elirreci at the' : meeting ; • ,1 r• :.',g Ittftr: .111,1 enrolliug members. A Repeal ,,f titus par 01 S londalkm, Iowan, and Palms: noon, in the vieinity of I )1.11/111/, a as WI Sunday, in the first- named village, for the porpo;•• of' enrollieg ltopeale;.s. The meeting wax presided o by Mr. 1 (-nary A robin, tb SI or Magistrate of that district. to relict enern:es- :a.2.
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