The Monitcur of Saturday contains a royal ordinance for the
moth& cation of the French Custom-duties. The ordinance is preceded by a report of the Ministers, in which they regret that the Chambers had not had time to consider the propriety of making other and more ex- tensive alterations. The Ministers notice particularly the duties on marine steam-engines, and on cotton-threads. With respect to the former, it is not, they say, within the province of an ordinance to make the desired. change. As to the latter, they object at present to raise the duty on threads imported, because they consider the existing duty is not prejudicial to the manufacturer of France ; the quantity imported within the last year having diminished. The articles mentioned in the tariff, which more immediately effect this country, are these- " Rough cast-iron, in masses, imported — From Blaneisseron, at Mont Genevre, exclusively, 4f. the 100 kilogrammes; from all other points, the pre- sent duty. " Nickel metallique—Of one melting, 5f. per 100 kilogrammes. Mixed with other instals (orgentaa)—In mass, 501. ; flattened or drawn out, 100f. Sewing-needles—g the kilogramme.
" Pishing-hooks—The duty upon fine mcrcery.
" Hempen threads, or linen threads of simple raw 6toupe, furnishing more than 6,000 metres per kilogramme—The same duties as other linen or hempen threads simples ((.1.55,)
" All other—The present duty.
" The fits d'Stoupe furnishing 6,000 metres or less per kilogramme, can only be imported by the ports d'entrepot r6e1, by the following laud frontier offices- Armentit:res. Halluin, Lhhc, Baisreux, Cu,mnh, Blanemisseron, Sierch, Forbad, Strasbourg, Pont de Beauvoisin, Entre deux Guiers, St. Laurent cla Var. " In order to facilitate the distinction of the tils d'Stoupe, which remains im- portable according to the duty fixed by the law of the 27th July 1822, a sample of' the number forming the point of difference between this thread and that which is assimilated by the present ordonuance to the hempen and linen threads, shall be deposited at each bureau open to its importation.
" This sample, which shall be placed under the double seal of the departments of Commerce and Finance, shall serve ns a type in the levying of the duties, saving the appeal, in case of contestation, to the arbitrators appointed by the law of the 27th July 1822.
" The threads of may kind which shall have received any degree of bleach- ing shall be reckoned as bleached threads.
" Table-linen in pieces, worked or figured, within the space of five milli- metres-16 threads or less, present duty ; 17, 18, 19, 20, or more than 20 threads, same duty as the plain linens of linen and hemp, aecording to time kind end quality." " The coarse crossed linens, called treillis, shall pay like the plain linens of less than eight threads.
"No linens shall be admitted as raw which shall have received any degree of bleaching either before or after being wove, and which do not retain the decided raw colour.
"Acetate of iron—Liquid, tif. the 100 kilogrammes; concentrated to any degree, 40f. ditto. "Acid of arsenic-12f. the 100 kilogrammes.
" Metallic plates of iron-100E per 100 kilogrammes. " Almanneks printed in foreign languages—The same duty as French works printed in other countries. " Printed, engraved, or coloured cards (etiquettes)—Same duty as lithogra- phic drawings or ornamental eugravings."