The Augsburg Gazette has accounts from Constantinople, dated the 5th
August, mentioning the discovery of a conspiracy to assassinate the Sultan. Many persons had been arrested, and put to death; but this movement on the part of his Turkish Majesty appears to have been the first awl only intimation of the existence of the conspiracy which tlw. public of Constantinople received. The plot may have been, invented for the purpose of getting it of suspected persons, Quebec papers, of the 27th July, contain a report of a grand dinner given on the 25th to "commemorate the triumph lately achieved by Sir FRANCIS BOND HEAD, and the loyal and well- disposed people of Upper Canada, over an anti-British and revolu- tionary faction." The Quebec Tories are in too great a hurry. The triumph of Sir FRANCIS HEAD is not yet complete. Im- peachment may be the consequence of his victory, and disgrace the reward of his prompters.