News Of The Week.
Lours PHILIP'S talents for cabinet-making are in frequent requi- sition. About once every six months a French Administration is broken up. That of TRIERS lasted half a year......
Our Summary Of Spanish News Last Week Brought Down The
events in the Spanish capital to the 18th of August. The present week has added very little to our previous stock of information. There was a quarrel and some fighting on the......
The Paris Constitutionnel Mentions, That Disturbances Had...
Naples, which were promptly suppressed. For some time, rumours had prevailed in Paris, that a serious revolt had occurred in the Neapolitan dominions; and it was known that the......
Large Public Meetings Have Been Held In Zurich And Other
places in Switzerland, and vehement resolutions adopted for re- pelling foreign interference in their domestic concerns. The German papers, however, declare that if stringent......
The Augsburg Gazette Has Accounts From Constantinople,...
August, mentioning the discovery of a conspiracy to assassinate the Sultan. Many persons had been arrested, and put to death; but this movement on the part of his Turkish......