At A Meeting Of The National Association, Held On The
25th August, a letter from Mr. O'Connell was read, enclosing a subscription of 5/. from Dr. Nolan, Catholic Bishop of Carlow, and another of 10/. from Mr. George Evans Bruce, of......
The Case Of Tatham Versus Wright, Which Has Been So
often before the public, again came on for trial at Lancaster on Tuesday. It will be recollected that it is an action of ejectment by the plaintiff, Admi- ral Tatham, to obtain......
Mr. Charles Evans, Banker, Of Manchester, Failed On...
liabilities, chiefly to small tradesmen, are stated at about 60,000/. An offer of four shillings and twopence in the pound has at length been made to the creditors of the late......
The Reformers Of West Somerset Propose To Invite Their...
Members to a grand dinner, at Taunton, on or about the 21st Septem- ber. Sir T. B. Lethbridge will preside. A great number of dis- tinguished persons will be present. The......
A Gang Of Coiners Have Been Discovered At Liverpool, By
Mr. Powell, of the Mint, aided by the Liverpool Police. The manner in which the culprits were apprehended is thus stated- " A visit to Liverpool at the late Assizes, gave Mr.......
On Tuesday, Lord Hillsborough was elected without opposition for the county of Down, in the room of his uncle Lord Sandys. The decision respecting Lord Forbes's insanity will,......