On Tuesday, Lord Hillsborough was elected without opposition for the county of Down, in the room of his uncle Lord Sandys.
The decision respecting Lord Forbes's insanity will, it is supposed, cause an immediate vacancy in the representation of Longford ; which ought to be filled up by a Liberal. Lord Forbes was a deserter from the Liberal party, and his coalition with the Tories threw the county into their hands : but his father the Earl of Granard will probably stand by his old politic3; and in that case, the Tory interest in Long- ford will be broken up. Lord Forbes was also Lord-Lieutenatit of the county : of course Lord Mulgrave will put a supporter of Govern- ment in his place.
Baron Sir William Smith, so famous for his turgid and fantastic political charges to Grand Juries, and the silly song called " Tarlety- ra," died at his residence in King's County on the 25th ultimo. He will probably be succeeded by Mr. Richards, the Solicitor-General, on the bench of the Exchequer Court.
Three gentlemen of independent ploperty, of the Catholic persua- sion, have been appointed by the Lord Chancellor to the Commission of the Peace for the Queen's County—namely, Robert Cassidy, of Jamestown ; Michael Dunne, of Ballymanus ; and William Delany, of Durrow, Esqs. They bad been recommended to the Lieutenant of the county, Lord Vesei ; but be declined to forward their names to the Chancellor : who, at the request of the Lord Lieutenant, has complied with the earnest wishes of the people of the Queen's County, and granted the commission to the only Catholics who have held it in that county for many years.—Morning Chronicle.
The Lord- Lieutenant has appointed the Reverend Thomas Alfred Lyons one of his Chaplains. This is the gentleman who was turned out of his curacy some time sirce by the notorious Marcus Beresford.