3 SEPTEMBER 1836, page 3

At The Mansionhouse, On Tuesday, A Girl Of Sixteen Was

brought before the Magistrates, charged with having decampt d from her father's house in boy's clothes. She had procured a situation, and passed for a boy for some time. She was......

The Reformers Of West Somerset Propose To Invite Their...

Members to a grand dinner, at Taunton, on or about the 21st Septem- ber. Sir T. B. Lethbridge will preside. A great number of dis- tinguished persons will be present. The......

Be Countty.

Mr. James is expected to be returned for East Cumberland without opposition. The requisition to him to become a candidate was signed by nearly a thousand electers, comprising......

A Fire Broke Out On Tuesday Morning, Between Two And

three o'clock, in the premises of Mr. Wilson, tea-merchant, on the Southwark side of London Bridge. As regards the amount of property consumed, it was one of the most......

Rbc Itictropotto.

The South Australian Commissioners gave a dinner on Saturday at Blackwall, on board the Coromandel, to about one hundred and fifty young married persons, and thirty. six......

Mrs. Graham, Whose Fall From The Balloon Was Mentioned Last

week, is recovering. Mrs. Anderson, of Cleveland Street, Fitzroy Square, left her infant child in the cradle, on Tuesday morning, with another child about three years old, in......