MORAL. POLITICAL, AND SOCIAL ECoN051Y, Journal urn Residence iu Norway, during the years 1834, 1835, aud 1836; made with a view to inquire into the Moral aml Political Economy of that Country, and the Condition of its Inhabitants. By Samuel Laing, Esq Lon9man and Cu.
TVI%eiS In Greece and Turkey ; bring the Second Part of Excursions in the Mediter- ranean. By Major Sir Grenville Temple, Bart Saunders and Otley.
Mr. Midshipman Easy. By the Author of" Peter Simple," Sze. 8re. In 3 vols.
Saunders and Utley.
'flu. Public and Private Life of the Ancient Greeks. By Heinrich Ilase, Ph. D. In- spector of the Collection of Antiques and Medals at Dresden. 'frauslated from the German Murray. A Manual of the Political Antiquities of Gteece, Historically Co isidered. From the German or Charles Frederick Hermann, Professor in the University of Hei- delberg Whittaker ; Taltoss, Orford. A Manual of Boman Antiquities. By Thomas Swinburue Carr, one of the Classical
Masters in King's College School Iliwrou V.
The Seven Ages of England; or its Advancement in Arts. Literature, and Science, I rom the earliest periods to the present time. By Charles Williams. Trolley and Davis.