If comparative tranquillity reigns in Ireland, it is in spite
of the efforts of time Protestant clergy and their Orange abettors. The Dublin Evening Mail has published a series of documents in relation to some proceedings in the county of Cavan, which afford the latest con- firmation of the truth of this assertion. The Government of Lord Mulgrave is charged with a " gross violation of the rights of I'm- testant worship, and infringement of the liberty of the subject ;" but the facts prove that means were taken to prevent a furious bigot from exciting the Catholics to tumult by exasperating abuse of' their faith, and that this is the real cause of Orange wrath.
It appears that a Mr. Delany preached at Ballyconuell, in Carel, on the 25th of August, a sermon full of outrageous abuse of the Catho- lics, and that he threatened a repetition of the same performance two days afterwards. Nine respectable inhabitants of the place made an affidavit that a serious breach of the peace would almost certainly be Chic consequence of such a proceeding. The parson persisted, in defi- ance of warnirg; and Mr. Duff, a Stipendiary Magistrate, arrested him. Immediately a tremendous howl was raised. Mr. J. C. Mar- tin, Rector of Killyshandra in Cavan, took Mr. Delany under his pro- tection, and, in a letter to the Irish Under-Secretary, accused Mr. Duff of a violation of duty. To several letters of Mr. Martin no answer has been received ; and there the matter rests for the present. To us it is evident that Mr. Duff only did his duty as a conservator of the peace.