A General Order, containing a variety of regulations respecting re..
wards and punishments in the Army, has been issued by Lord Howick. The object is, to excite the soldiery to good conduct by the promise of " rings of lace," to be worn round the anti, a small advance of pay, facilities in procuring discharges, and the privilege of admission to Chelsea Hospital.
We are led to understand, from good authority, that Major-General Sir Edward Illakeney less been appointed to the Government of Malta, and that Ile will be succeeded in the command of the forces in Ireland. hy Sir Thomas Arbutheot, who is at present acting. Major-General Guy Lestrange is mentioned as the officer likely to succeed Sir Tho- ma u in the Somithera district. If the above arrangement has been made, and which we do not doubt, what becomes of tlac recommendation of of the Scud a 1-inriniittee on Army and Navy appeintments, and so many gem ral efficers in the list who have neither regiment, government, nor staff ap n t men ts ?— United Service Gazctie.
The iii■rninu Peri of Thursday mentioned a report that Mr. Thomas Dulico.inhe was to be " gazetted shortly as time new Superin- teadeet cmi the Foreign Letter Departmeut " of the Post-olliee. The other Tiny papers copied the statement from the Be.11 but last night the C.:trite. gave it a positive contradiction, mid added-
" Such an ap,aintment never has been contemplated by those to whose
de- tmtamtcmmt the altittlintinont in question belorga, ;ind never was beard of, or ever dreamt of, -till it appeared in the Tory pint. It is it pure invention of the Tory journal, ; which will no doubt take credit to themselves, by and by, for !Irving by their watt...Values-, made the Ministo a abstain front fulfilling their intentions. 'flue Standard of last night even points alleadv at such a result : 'Doubtless,' says that joutnal, in reference to the expected vacancy for Fins. Ilium)', 'active exertions jmt now may obviate a vacancy by preventing Mr. Daneambe's appointment.' "Ile alarm,' it will hereafter probably add, which we cat rred into the Ministerial ranks for the representation of Fins- bury, should a vacancy occur, by showing that, with proper precautions anti proper men, that borough could be induced to return a Conservative Member, deprivcil iIr. Buncombe of his expected profitable post.' These Tories are wenderful heroes, fur they not only city the giants, they make them too. This is not the first time nor the second in which we have had to put down the glories of these Falstaffs, by showing that the jobs they have prevented, the im- ptoper appointments they lutve stopped, the improper reproof they have nipped in the bud, were only- their own false fabrications.