The Times tauntingly puts the beading " Justice " to
paragraph quoted from a Hobart Town paper of the 3d May, supplying the following patticulars relative to the mode in which justice is ad- ministered in the colony of Van Diemen's Land- " A Alr. Lewis, having received provocation, sent a challenge to Mr. Lyttle- ton, the Police 3Iagistrate. Six months afterwards, the Attorney. General
instituted proceedings against Mr. Lewis for this act. Time trial eoininenced, and Mr. Lyttleton swore lie had given no provocation. Affidavits and wit- nesses, however, on the part of Mr. Lewis, declared that he had given provo-
cation ; and 3Ir. Lyttleton, the Chief Police Mae,istrate, was subsequently com-
pelled to admit that his memory bad failed him. 3Ir. Lewis was then called upon for his delimce. He commeneed by alluding to the circumstance of the At-
torney. General having been challenged bv another gentleman ; whereupon the
Judge (Alma:Igo) interrupted him, and fined him 101. for having made such an allusion, and declared lie would fine him the same ainotint for every similar
one. Air. Lewis was fouild guilty of ' endeavouring to excite a breach id the
peace,' and the Judge, after consulting with the Chief Justice, sentenced him to eighteen months' itniaisonment, !and a tine of 130/. Mr. Lewis impeached the conduct of Judge Alontavm, memorialized the Governor and other mem-
bers of the Executive, but all without SIICIS SS. Six months' inearceration had then elapsed, and there appeared no probability of his ease being considered by the
Local Governtramt. lie then memorialized the Home Government through
his brie h r in Landon, wid iii. r fort unritely miii t with some attentir in. The matter was kid la-fine the Late Inlir.rcrs uf the Crown; who immediately decided that the trial and e011111.11111ltii)11 1,1 I.ew'rs was illegal and uncon- stitutional.' This gentleman's licairli dr,elining fist, from his (dose confine- ment, a public meeting on the sobjert was lic:d iii til0 1110111 time in the colony,
and a deputation waited upon the Giiversior; lint Ire cominii.41 in moveable, and deelarLd he would not uuiimi.mte the sentence et I, as unless he inn-
plored it as au at of mercy, witimut impugningnLe jastra ss f his etiodenina■
}jou. I irderS at 1C1101 arriveri for his ins:ant itlear-e, and inst. notions given the Governor to award him (minium- rtirm. This was dime by muI,jmrmmtioni. The Governor named two grmilemen, and :lit. Lewis two ; mid the four appointed
a fifth. Th., fit:lowing resolution was then unanimously agreed to—" 1Ve, the
undersign ml, having been irppidirted arhitratros and umpires on tire pai t of his Majesty's Government and Mr. Thomas Lewis, for the purpose of inquiring
into the maul jest alluded to in the right honourable the Seri etary of Ntate's
despatch, No. :31, il act! the 2.71th of July Ir-.;;;;), a certified extract of which was laid before ns, are of opinion, after hearing counsel Mill evidence. and
maturely considel lug the subject; that the sum of 1700/. sterling is a moderate I ndemnification to Mr. Lewis for the actual expu nses which he has incurreul and the injuries which I e has suffered.—Dated Apt it 9, Is4;iti."
" i,spitefudy warstLe whole alErir conthurted, it is said, that Sir. Lewis was not even allowed to stand tin the floor of the court during his trial ; but placed close to the criminal's dock, away from his friends, and was not even permitted to have materials to take notes. The Chicf Police 3lagistrate, mill all the legal functionalles who hail taken a conspieurnis part in this transaction, conti- nued unmolested in their different departments, as if their conduct had been honourable and legal."