In the next column, our readers will find a very
interestiug letter from Mr. O'CONNELL. Though bearing the date of the 27th August, it reached us only this forenoon, when our pages were about to be sent to press. Any remarks, especially of a controversial nature, which we might otherwise offer, must therefore be postponed. But Mr. O'COI.1.• NELL has exceedingly narrowed the grounds of difference between w. For the sake of the latter part of his present address, we can overlook the beginning. Indeed, we have already answered it, (if the Ilihernicism may be allowed,) in our paper on Ireland of the 20th August, and several others. It was not THE Irish question" that was put to the electors at Newcastle—in this instance Mr. O'Cossma. does injustice to his great cause, by an impolitic limita- tion. However, waiving controversy for the present, we recommend O'Cos:NELL's letter to the perusal of all, and most of all, the Kings Ministers.