MAGAZINES AND SERIAL PUBLICATIONS,—We have received the following for August
:—The Century, the Pall Mall Magazine, St. Nicholas, the Humanitarian, the Review of Reviews, Scribner's Magazine, Knowledge, the Girl's Realm, the Wide World Magazine, the English Illuatrated Magazine, the Artist, the Strand Magazine, the Cornhill Magazine, Chanibers's Journal. Temple Bar, Harper's Magazine, the Quiver, the Magazine of Art, the Expositor, the Captain, the Geographical Journal, the Windsor Magazine, the Public School Magazine, the Architectural Review, the Bookman, Nature Note:, the Month, the Gentleman's Magazine, the Leisure Hour. the Girl's Own Paper, the .2Vorth American Review, the Boy's Own Paper, the .Harmsworth ..Vaga.zine, the Argosy, Lipvincott's Magazine, the Lady's Realm, Ca.ssier's Magazine, the Badminton Magazine, the Journal of Education, Cassell's Magazine, the Expository Times, the Sunday Magazine, Macmillan's Magazine. the Sunday at Home, Celebrities of the Army, the United Service Magazine, the Forum, the Atlantic Monthly, the Monist, the Critic, Outing, the Universal Magazine, the Anglican Church Magazine, Ainslee's Magazine, Good Words, the Sun Children's Budget, the Book-Buyer, the Friends' Quarterly Examiner, the Ladies' League Gazette, the Traveller, China of To-Day, Vectis.