• Bird Stories.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:1 SIR, — The faculty of imitating sounds and songs not their own must be more frequent in blackbirds than is generally supposed. I remember in......
Postal Delays And The District Messenger Question.
[TO TII2 EDITOR OF TRZ "SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—I have a small country house, less than thirty miles from London and within two and a half miles of the Eden Bridge Station on the......
• [to The Editor Of The "spectator."] Sim,—i4nat Year,...
from Tunis to Marseilles in the early Spring, we were delighted at dinner-time to see six swallows all in a row sitting on a bar above the saloon dining-table. They remained......
Antiquated Artillery And National Defence.
• [To THE EDITOR OF TIIR " SeEcTexon.."11 SIR, — I was considerably surprised to notice in the speech of Lord Lansdowne in Friday week's debate in the House of Lords his......