4 AUGUST 1900, page 13

Captain Young Husband On The Chinese.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—May I be permitted the use of your columns to dispel an illusion which has prevailed for many years, and which evidently still obtains ?......

A Volunteer Compassionate Fund.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Stn,—I wish to call your attention to a scheme, started in Salford by the 3rd Volunteer Battalion of the Lancashire Fusiliers, which, I......

The Volunteers.

[To TRY EDITOR OF THE "SPECT4TOR:1 SIB,—There is much in your article on the Volunteers that must command assent; but is imitation of the Boers the best ideal to set before that......

(to . Tre Editor ,of Tre "spectator.1 .

Snt,—My letters may possibly give - the impression that I am an apologist for Mouravieff. Will you therefore allow me to saythat he was far from being a favourite of mine P I......