(to Tee Editor Op Viz "spectator.")
SlIti — MY. Stone's letter in the Spectator of July 23th, though tdo not think it goes to the root of this matter, which is at bottom, I believe, the extraordinary indifference......
(to . Tre Editor ,of Tre "spectator.1 .
Snt,—My letters may possibly give - the impression that I am an apologist for Mouravieff. Will you therefore allow me to saythat he was far from being a favourite of mine P I......
Letters To The Editor.
THE LACK OF CANDIDATES FOR HOLY ORDERS. [TO THE EDITOR OF TEE "SPECTATOR.") Sfa,—Mr. Stone in the Spectator of July 28th expresses the opinion that the "increasing nobleness" of......
A FIT OF HOMESICKNESS. [To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. - ] SIR,—I am in Canada writing in a huge Western hotel, within earshot of a big public " banquet," and am earnestly......
Count Mouraveeff And England.
[To TUE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIE,—Canon MaeColl having devoted a long letter to the endeavour to prove the " ignorance " of diplomatists in general, and of those......