MiscirizeNzons.—Of books of devotion we have Green Pastures and Golden
Gates, by the Rev. Charles A. Fox (Marshall Brothers, 6c1.), and from the same publishers, The Christian in Complete Armour, by W. Gurnall, 1616-1676, Selections arranged by Katherine Blyth, with a Preface by Professor Handley C. G. Moule (1s.) (W. Gurnall was the Anglican minister of Lavenham, in Suffolk, and his book, which has been here considerably abridged, was greatly admired by John Newton) ; and "Face to Face," by Mrs. Penn-Davis, described as "Glimpses into the Hidden Life of Man."—With these we may mention the second edition of Advice to 20th Century Business Juniors, ,tc., by Phi-Rho-Chi (Horace Marshall and Son, 3d.)— The Elements of Inorganic Chemistry, for Use in Schools and Colleges, by W. A. Shenstone, F.K.S. (E. Arnold, 4s. 6d.), essays a difficult task,---to provide a text-book of chemistry which shall not lend itself to cram. "Questions set to test the work done should be unseen." "Summaries of chapters constitute a strong temptation to unsound work." These are good maxims for the guiding of the scientific teaching.—We have received Fascicules 29-32 of Dictionnaire Genera/ de in Langue Fran anise, par MM. Adolphe Hatzfeld et Arsene Darmesteter, avec le coneours de M. Antoine Thomas (Ch. Delagrave, Paris).— Fortune Telling. By Cicely M`Donnell. (Dean and Sen. is.) -This is, oddly enough, included in a Berko of "Practical Guide Books." But whither does it guide ? We may tell fortunes gratis, whether by cards, or crystal, or "Napoleon's Book of Fate," but if you ask a fee, the guidance will be prison. ward. If the practice is unlawful, how about the text-book ?— Paton's List of Schools and Tutors (J. and J. Paton, 1s.) appears in its "Third Annual Edition."—We have received new editions of Lorna Doone : a Romano. of Exmoor, by R. D. Black- more (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co., 2s. net), a very handy edition, on India paper ; and Aylurin, by Theodore Watte-Dunton (Hurst and Blackett, 6d.)