[TO THE EDITOR OF rue " SPECTATOR."' SIR ,—Once again we ask the hospitality of your columns on behalf of the Fellowship of St. Michael and All Angels, which continues its valuable and necessary work among girls of the educated class who seek its aid from all parts of the world. Perhaps never was this Society more needed than in the present day, when such loose and strange ideas about "The Right to Motherhood" are abroad. In the Maternity Home provided by the Fellowship mother and child are cared for with love and skill, the little one is started in life with a good chance of health and strength, and the mother is helped is take her place again in the world as a good and useful member of the community. At this moment it is ninch desired to raise 21,509 or .C2,000 to open a Home where girls who have fallen, bat who are not eligible for the Maternity Home, may be received. We earnestly hope the needed funds may be forth- coming. All information as to the objects and methods of the work can be obtained from the SeerJary, 5 Bloomfield Terrace, S.W. I. All contributions should he rent to the Treasurer, 5 Bloomfield Terrace, S.W. I. All cheques should
be made payable to the Fellowship and crossed "Lloyds Bank ate Fellowship of St. Michael."—We are, Sir, dc.,
A. F. LONDON, Visitor.
JOHN KENSINGTON, President. Etas &mum, Treasurer.