(to The Editor Of Tee " Emt/1'0109
Sox,—The last issue of the Spectator affords another illustration of the manner in which the pen of the slanderer is used in the campaign against the Irish people, for surely......
The Dublin Massacre.
ITo THE EDITOR OE THE " SPECTATOR...3 Sta.—In your ib8U0 of November 27th you say that ten of the murdered officers are being given a public funeral with full military honours......
The Sentimental Atheism Of The " Daily News."
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR...I Sne,—A short time ago the Daily News, in giving a descriptive report of the lecture of a distinguished modern biologist, told its readers......
The Late Mr. J. D. Anderson.
Ito 77IE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."3 SIR,—May I send you a few words on your valued contributor, Mr. James Drummond Anderson, my oldest and truest friend? We were born in......