News Of The Week.
p UBLICITY, as we have tried to explain elsewhere, is for immediate purposes much the best weapon in dealing with Poland. We are delighted, therefore, to read in the Daily......
The Hierarchy Demand That There Shall Be An Impartial Com-
mission of inquiry into events in Ireland, and they show their own impartiality by omitting from beginning to end of the document all reference to the murders of policemen and......
The Policy Of Silence Dates A Long Way Back. When
during the war the Sinn Feiners were actively co-operating with the Germans the Government must have had ample proofs that Sum Fein was guilty of the greatest of crimes. Yet no......
The Government, As We Have Urged Elsewhere, Ought To Make
every effort to obtain from the Vatican an exact definition of the attitude of the Roman Church towards murder. Now that France has also decided to appoint a diplomatic......
The Morning Post, Which Has Rendered Public Services Of...
value in keeping track of documents bearing on the Irish rebellion and in making them public, has added to its list of services by calling attention, on Monday, to the Irish......
Nine Of The British Officers Foully Murdered In Their Beds
in Dublin on the previous Sunday were accorded a military funeral in London on Friday, November 26th. The long procession on its way from Euston to Westminster Abbey and......
To Our Readers.
Should our readers ezperience any difficulty in obtaining the SPECTATOR during their absence from home at Newsagents or Railway Bookstalls, will they please communicate at once......
Owing to the Government having taken over our old premises, we have removed to new offices, 13 York Street, Covent Garden, W.O. 2, where all communications should Be addressed.......
The Editor Cannot Accept Responaibility For Any Articles...
submitted to him, but when stamped and addressed envelopes are sent he will do his beet to return contributions in case of rejection.......